

Non-obliging claim consultation as wellas property inspection and loss evaluation.

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Insurance policies may be difficult to understand since they include various legal terms and industry jargon that policyholders may not be familiar with. There are numerous types of insurance policies which may include additional endorsements. It is thus critical to understand what is and what is not covered by your specific policy, to know its possibilities and limitations, but also acknowledge which parts are open to interpretation and/or negotiation.

We’ll review your insurance policy and we will help you understand both your rights and responsibilities as a property owner and insured. With the help of Daylight Adjusting, you will avoid missing important deadlines in regards to your claim, making errors in forms, providing incomplete/incorrect documentation or answering insurance’s questions incorrectly which could all significantly reduce the amount of recovery for your loss!


As one of the top public adjuster firms in Chicago, we are dedicated to helping individuals and businesses who have experienced property damage get the insurance payout they deserve. Our team of experts will work closely with you to thoroughly assess the damage, document all necessary information, and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. We have extensive knowledge of the claims process and will use that knowledge to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. With our help, you can focus on recovering from the damage and getting your life back to normal.

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Our experienced public adjusters work on your behalf to ensure
that you receive the maximum settlement for your insurance claim

This is how we make claims process easy for you - We are:
  1. Analyzing your policy in high detail.
  2. Collecting data – we investigate the property and assemble any/all data that might help during a claim process – we take pictures, measurements, collect any necessary documentation and estimate costs of the repairs to restore your property to its pre-loss condition. Typically, the more detailed and complete your claim, the higher the settlement.
  3. Filing a claim – proper documents and forms are filed with your insurance provider and professional damage estimate is prepared by us then sent to the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim. Usually, a staff or independent insurance adjuster will visit your property to draft an estimate on your insurance provider’s behalf. We will meet with the Insurance company’s adjuster during this inspection to point out all of the damages they might otherwise overlook or ignore.
  4. Filing a claim – proper documents and forms are filed with your insurance provider and professional damage estimate is prepared by us then sent to the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim. Usually, a staff or independent insurance adjuster will visit your property to draft an estimate on your insurance provider’s behalf. We will meet with the Insurance company’s adjuster during this inspection to point out all of the damages they might otherwise overlook or ignore.
  5. Settlement – during this final phase of the process, your insurance company’s adjuster and your Public Adjuster (that’s us!) will agree on the loss recovery amount. Rarely, if the two parties cannot agree on the final settlement amount, the claim will move into an Appraisal phase (learn more about Appraisals here.

We’ll handle all communication with your insurance company during the entire claim process and keep you informed of any new developments. You can rest assured that we’ll do everything in our power to protect your interests and save you from unnecessary stress and worry associated with insurance claims!


We will never demand any upfront fees or charges! Claim consultation with property inspection and loss evaluation is FREE and our adjusting fee is collected from the final settlement = no charges until your funds are released by the insurance company. If we are unsuccessful in recovering claim money, then there is no cost to you.

Our adjusting fees range from 10 to 25% of the final settlement amount. Since no two claims are alike, we charge appropriate fee based on the amount of work required and complexity of your case. Our Public Adjusters will advise what fee would apply after our initial, free consultation so you’ll know exactly what to expect even before your claim is filed!

What to do if my commercial roof has maintenance problems?

If you are experiencing maintenance problems with your commercial roof, the first step is to identify the cause of the problem. This may require a professional inspection to determine the extent of the damage and what is needed to repair it. Once the cause of the problem has been identified, you can take the following steps to address it:
1: Make temporary repairs to prevent further damage. Depending on the type of problem, this may include patching holes, replacing damaged shingles, or clearing debris from gutters.
2: Create a plan to address the problem permanently. This may include repairing or replacing damaged roofing materials, reinforcing the roof structure, or making other necessary improvements.
3: Hire a professional roofing contractor to carry out the repairs. Make sure to choose a reputable contractor with experience working on commercial roofs.
4:  Monitor the roof closely after the repairs are complete to ensure that the problem does not recur. This may include regular inspections and maintenance to catch potential issues before they become major problems.In general, it is important to address maintenance problems with your commercial roof as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of the roof. Working with a professional roofing contractor is the best way to ensure that the repairs are done properly and effectively.

What to do if my insurance company doesn't want to pay my claim?

If your insurance company does not want to pay your claim, the first step is to carefully review the policy to ensure that you are entitled to the benefits you are seeking. If you believe that the insurance company is not acting in good faith, you can take the following steps:
Contact the insurance company and ask to speak with a supervisor or manager. Explain your situation and ask why the claim is being denied. Be sure to provide any supporting documentation or evidence that you have.If you are unable to reach a resolution with the insurance company, consider hiring a public adjuster. A public adjuster is a professional who specializes in helping individuals and businesses navigate the insurance claims process. They can work with you to gather the necessary evidence and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.
If the insurance company continues to refuse to pay your claim, you may need to file a complaint with your state's insurance department. The insurance department will investigate your complaint and determine whether the insurance company is acting in accordance with the law.If all else fails, you may need to consider legal action. In some cases, it may be necessary to hire an attorney and file a lawsuit against the insurance company in order to get the benefits you are entitled to.
Overall, it can be frustrating and stressful when an insurance company does not want to pay a claim. However, by following the steps outlined above and seeking the help of professionals when necessary, you can increase your chances of getting the benefits you are entitled to.

What's the best approach to maintain a commercial flat roof?

The best approach to maintaining a commercial flat roof is to implement a regular maintenance and inspection schedule. This should include:
1: Regular inspections of the roof to identify any potential problems, such as cracks, holes, or damaged areas. These inspections should be carried out at least twice per year, or more often if the roof is exposed to severe weather or other damaging conditions.
2: Prompt repairs of any damage that is identified during the inspections. This may include patching holes, replacing damaged shingles, or making other necessary repairs.
3: Regular cleaning of the roof to remove debris, such as leaves and twigs, that can clog gutters and drains and cause water damage.
4: Regular maintenance of the roof's drainage system, including cleaning gutters and downspouts to prevent clogs and ensuring that water can flow freely away from the roof
5: Regular maintenance of any mechanical equipment or other items that are installed on the roof, such as HVAC units or solar panels.By implementing a regular maintenance and inspection schedule, you can help ensure that your commercial flat roof remains in good condition and continues to protect your building and its contents. This can save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and prolonging the life of your roof.


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Satisfied Clients
Non-obliging claim consultation as wellas property inspection and loss evaluation.
Insurance policies
Insurance policies may be difficult to understand since they include various legal terms and industry jargon that policyholders may not be familiar with. There are numerous types of insurance policies which may include additional endorsements. It is thus critical to understand what is and what is not covered by your specific policy, to know its possibilities and limitations, but also acknowledge which parts are open to interpretation and/or negotiation.

We’ll review your insurance policy and we will help you understand both your rights and responsibilities as a property owner and insured.     With the help of Daylight Adjusting, you will avoid missing important deadlines in regards to your claim, making errors in forms, providing incomplete/incorrect documentation or answering insurance’s questions incorrectly which could all significantly reduce the amount of recovery for your loss!

When reporting a loss, you are required by your insurance provider to do so as quickly as possible but call us first* to ensure your claim process is handled properly from the beginning! (*in case of theft, vandalism or fire, make sure to call the authorities ASAP).

So the damage happened. What to do?

Contact us via phone or e-mail to schedule ABSOLUTELY FREE, non-obliging claim consultation with property inspection and loss evaluation. Our experts will assess your damages and go over your policy coverage and limits with you. You will be informed if the damages are covered by your insurance, how much they are likely to be worth and if a claim should in fact be filed. If so, you can then agree to have Daylight Adjusting represent your interests and communicate with the insurance company on your behalf. We’ll keep you updated on any new developments regarding your claim and be available to answer any of your questions during the process.
Insurance policies
As one of the top public adjuster firms in chicago, we are dedicated to helping individuals and businesses who have experienced property damage get the insurance payout they deserve. Our team of experts will work closely with you to thoroughly assess the damage, document all necessary information, and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. We have extensive knowledge of the claims process and will use that knowledge to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. With our help, you can focus on recovering from the damage and getting your life back to normal.
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